Yesterday, independent “Reformed” pastor David Reece advocated for one of the oldest heresies, tritheism, claiming that “ontologically” (within their very nature/essence) the three Persons of the Trinity have different wills. This violates the Nicene Creed’s statement that the Son is “consubstantial with the Father,” and the Athanasian Creed’s statement that “the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity, is to be worshipped.”
It’s likely that most reading this have never heard of Reece and wonder what his relevancy is. While he’s the pastor of a small “Puritan” church in an Arizona office plaza, with a website that lists no elders but him, Reece is a regular speaker in the postmillennial theonomy circuit, including the ecosystems lead by prominent theonomists Doug Wilson and James White. This is because, beyond being the pastor of a small “Reformed” church with no listed ecclesial oversight, Reece is the owner and operator of a body armor manufacturer and investment fund that sponsors theonomist podcasts and conferences. Reece is a regular guest and sponsor of the Wilson-affiliated CrossPolitic podcast and has spoken at Reformcon, affiliated with Apologia Church’s White and Jeff Durbin. He’s also a scheduled speaker for Joel Webbon’s upcoming “How to Defeat Trashworld”1 conference in 2025.
This is where things get interesting. Trashworld has been at the center of the current infighting among Christian Nationalists, because its host and speakers have defended everything from allowing Holocaust deniers to be members in good standing of their churches, to promoting neo-Nazi propaganda and slogans, to the eugenic pseudosciences of physiognomy and racial IQ disparity. Durbin was originally scheduled to speak at Trashworld—White was the headliner of Webbon’s annual conference in 2023 and Wilson in 2024—but Durbin pulled out after a public rift between White and this year’s headliner, Stephen Wolfe. White and Wilson have since become the two most prominent theonomist voices speaking out against the actions of the Trashworld set.
Within the last week there has been an even more localized riff between Reece and Durbin’s replacement, the Anglo-Catholic priest and podcaster Calvin Robinson. Robinson recently made waves by claiming that John Calvin was a heretic (he’s said the same of Martin Luther), which drew the public ire of the pop-Reformed world, including Wilson, who had himself hosted Robinson only a month prior. On November 13, Robinson posted pictures of himself on Wilson’s No Quarter November set, a parody of the Mister Rogers house. In the pictures, Robinson holds Wilson’s famous flamethrower, accompanied by the caption, “Hunting heretics in the neighbourhood.” Robinson also shared a video of him firing the flamethrower into the night sky, with the caption, “From Common Sense Crusade to heretic hunting.” Ironically, those supposed heretics would include the man who handed him the flamethrower.
Within the remaining Trashworld lineup, the only person to take full offense to Robinson’s statement was Reece. The two have been in a public battle over who’s the bigger heretic ever since. Before Reece’s latest statement, with his belief that all Arminians are hell-bound heretics, this may have appeared a battle of equally ridiculous men. Yet, with his Nicean heresy, Reece has objectively won the title of biggest heretic at Trashworld. This should not, however, absolve the rest of the lineup.
One should note that, among the top row of headliners of Trashworld, the only person currently ordained under an ecclesial body—or even a member of a local association—is the Anglo-Catholic, Robinson. Among the lower row of speakers, the only person tied to any larger ecclesial body is SBC pastor Dusty Deevers, which makes it all the more surprising, given that the SBC’s statement of faith is the only one from a major “denomination” that explicitly rejects racism, that he’s been under no public pressure by SBC leadership to withdraw. At one point, PCA pastor Zachary Garris, whose independent imprint, Reformation Zion Publishing, offers a book from the kinist Jan Adriaan Schlebusch, was scheduled to speak, but he pulled out shortly after apologizing for defending chattel slavery as biblical.
All of this warrants a quick rundown of the greatest hits of a few of these ridiculous men:
The host, Joel Webbon, has stated that he would have men “on the precipice of becoming Hitler apologists” as members of his church, and not under discipline for those beliefs. He made a false claim about the average IQ of Haitians and said that acknowledging that number determined whether a pastor was qualified. He’s claimed that America lacks “a separation of Synagogue and State.” His podcast co-host and member of his church, Wesley Todd, has stated, “It is as clear as day that certain races have superior traits to others.”
The headliner, Stephen Wolfe, wrote a book of authoritarian- and ethno-nationalist political theory (as I proved in my section-by-section rebuttal). He has recently promoted the eugenic pseudoscience of physiognomy, which states that a person’s morals can be determined by their physical appearance.
Calvin Robinson recently had Joel Webbon on his podcast, where they discussed the supposed uniquely “anti-Christian” threat that “Talmudic Judaism” poses.
Auron MacIntyre is a strong proponent of the Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt and white-nationalist author Sam Francis (as are speakers Wolfe and CJay Engel). A regular guest of his podcast on The Blaze Network (as recently as five days ago) is the Nazi apologist and antisemitic podcaster Ryan Turnipseed2, who was excommunicated by his LCMS church for his beliefs.
Andrew Isker and his podcast co-host, Engel, are proponents of multiple white-nationalist and eugenic theories. I recommend the coverage of their beliefs and their attempted political takeover of a small Tennessee town by journalist Phil Williams.
Among other things, such as promoting the longstanding neo-Nazi trope “No More Brother Wars,” Eric Conn shared a video of literal Nazi propaganda, including spliced in footage of Triumph of the Will, and added “By God we shall have our home again,” the anthem of the explicitly white-nationalist offshoot of the Proud Boys, Männerbund.
As you can see, these men aren’t so much defeating Trashworld as they are propagating it.
“Trashworld” is a term coined by the Nietzschean positive eugenicist (selective breeding of humans) Bronze Age Pervert.