This is the sixth chapter of a book in progress, with the working title “Be Not Afraid of Their Terror.” The first chapter is here: Before moving to the highly contentious subject of contemporary politics, it’s worth briefly revisiting what should be a key take-away by now: If you’re a fully-orthodox Protestant holding to traditional views on the Trinity and salvation, let alone ethics, you’re in the extreme minority in the West and, if you want to live in reality, you must come to accept that. For people like my wife and I, who left the decidedly secular majority to become part of that minority well into adulthood, this is obvious. As people who moved to a new city several years ago, centering our social circle around our new church, we also understand how those who have spent their whole lives in conservative Christian cloisters may have difficulty accepting this current status. Yet, the truth is that when self-described evangelicals make up only a quarter of the population,
A Future and a Hope
A Future and a Hope
A Future and a Hope
This is the sixth chapter of a book in progress, with the working title “Be Not Afraid of Their Terror.” The first chapter is here: Before moving to the highly contentious subject of contemporary politics, it’s worth briefly revisiting what should be a key take-away by now: If you’re a fully-orthodox Protestant holding to traditional views on the Trinity and salvation, let alone ethics, you’re in the extreme minority in the West and, if you want to live in reality, you must come to accept that. For people like my wife and I, who left the decidedly secular majority to become part of that minority well into adulthood, this is obvious. As people who moved to a new city several years ago, centering our social circle around our new church, we also understand how those who have spent their whole lives in conservative Christian cloisters may have difficulty accepting this current status. Yet, the truth is that when self-described evangelicals make up only a quarter of the population,